A.       Background of the Study
        Reading is one of the four main skills in language learning and one of the hardest one for a foreign language learner. English language learners (ELLs) have great difficulty jumping into new texts without any background support. Students should know at least something about the topic before reading. Some topics may be unfamiliar to students, such as recreational activities at the beach if students have never been to the beach before. Pictures, drawings, or short skits can help develop relevant background information. “Students need to know at least 90 to 95% of the words they read if they are going to comprehend the text”. Therefore, it is important to use several strategies to build background knowledge that leads to better reading comprehension and overall achievement for ELLs. It does not hurt to review many words we often take for granted – not only for the benefit of ELLs, but also for students who may not come to school with a rich vocabulary background or exposure to certain experiences.  Before reading a selection aloud or before students read a text, try taking seven to ten minutes to build word and background knowledge. This should increase all students' comprehension of the text. “reading is Uncountable act of reading something.”  (Oxford:learner’s pocket dictionary)
       Begin by reviewing the selection and identifying the main concepts you want to teach. Take into account your students' potential knowledge of these concepts, including your ELLs. Decide how you might best make these concepts relevant and accessible to all of your students. This might be through a film, discussion, student-reading assignment, or a text read by you. Try using a combination of three or four of the following strategies: There are no bold signals that show the relationship between features, except simple transition words between paragraphs. A few photos of signs from the time period are included in the text. The photos do not have captions and are not explicitly related to the text near them, but I do not think they are distracting. The photos are small and quick to glance at. I believe the photos can help students connect the text to real life because they can see actual signs that were posted in public places at this time. I also think they are just small and easy enough to read to break up the article for students that do not like reading several pages of text, but they do not detract from of confuse the text. I do think subheadings could be used to break up the text and signal that a slightly different topic is coming. This could help high school readers follow the text, and make it less intimidating.
      The process of reading and comprehending in one's native language (L1) is very complex, due to the myriad of factors that interact with each other in a non-linear and non-sequential manner. The issues and their accompanying complexity are further compounded when describing and understanding reading comprehension in a second or foreign language (L2). In facilitating L2 reading comprehension, the use of sound, pictures, and animated pictures or video in addition to text have played an important role in vocabulary acquisition and in overall text comprehension, and are unquestioned components of instructional materials for language learning.
      The possibility of an instructional use for these different modes of information on a computer raises questions concerning learning from media and concerning the specifics of language learning with multimedia.
     Make sure students understand what the purpose for reading is: to get the main idea, obtain specific information, understand most or all of the message, enjoy a story, or decide whether or not to read more. Recognizing the purpose for reading will help students select appropriate reading strategies. so the writer is interested to conduct a research, which entitles, “TEACHING READING THROUGH SERIES  PICTURE TO INCREASE STUDENTS’ PREDICTING INFORMATION ABILITY AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMK NEGERI 1 MAJA ACADEMIC 2012-2013 ”.
B.       Statements of the problem
By looking over the background above, the writer formulated a question or problems as follows:
1.    How to increase students predicting information ability in SMKN 1 MAJA before learning by using through series picture ?
2.    How to increase students predicting information ability in SMKN 1 MAJA after learning by using through series picture ?
3.    What extent is the students’ ability in predicting information from the series of pictures to students ?
C.      Objectives of the Study
The objectives of the study which are reached in this research :
1.    To know increase students predicting information ability in SMKN 1 MAJA before learning by using through series picture.
2.    To know increase students predicting information ability in SMKN 1 MAJA after learning by using through series picture.
3.    To know the students’ ability in predicting information from the series picture.
D.      Significance of the Study
1.    For Teacher, give one solutation or strategy for teaching english.
2.    For Head Master, as improvement for control their teacher to classroom.
3.    For Student, it give way to understand material in the classroom by using trough series picture.
4.    For Researcher, are expected to give experience in research active this strategy for teaching in the class in the future.
E.       The limitation of study
The research conducted is limited to the following point
-       Student can using through series  picture to increase students’ predicting information ability.
-       Ability of students’ in predicting information from using through series picture to seen from value of  Pre-Test and post-test.
-       To know improvement increase students’ predicting information ability by using through series picture seen fromcomparison of value of pre-test and post-test.
F.       Definition of key terms
To avoid misunderstanding on the terms used in this research, the writer needs to put the operational definition of the terms follows:
-       Competence is the ability to perform a specific task, action or function successfully.
-       Prediction is the act of predicting. Something foretold or prophecy.
-       Series are group of related things, events.etc
-       Pictures are a visual representation of something, such as a person or scene, produced on a surface, as in a photograph, painting, etc.
G.      Research Method
The research method used in this research is a quantitative research by using experimental method. The writer analysis the teaching reading through  series  pictures to increase students predicting information ability at the first grade of  SMKN 1 MAJA.

H.      Population
“Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas: Obyek/subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakterristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari dan ditarik kesimpulannya.” Prof.Dr. Sugiono (2012:297)
The population of this research is the first grade student of ATPH students SMKN 1 MAJA 4 class are 140 students .
I.         Sample
“sampel adalah bagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut. Prof.Dr. Sugiono (2012:118)
Sample are taken by rendom from 4 class. And it was choosen 10 ATPH 4 and ATPH 1 they are 70 students. 10 ATPH 4 is experiment class and 10 ATPH 1 controll class. All sample are taken all.
J.        The Isntument of Collecting the Data
The techniques of collecting data comprise the following steps:
The instrument of collecting the data on the students’ competence in predicting information through series of pictures there are two instrument to collect the data which are used by the writer in the research such as : Pre-test and Post-test.To  collect  the  data,  the  writer  uses  test  technique.  The  writer  give  two  kinds  of  test,  they  are  : 
a.    Pre  -  Test
The  test  is  given  before  the  writer  teaches  the  materials.  And  this test  is  to  know  the  ability  of  the  students  about  the reading before  the   writer   gives  treatment  through series picture.
b.    Post  -  Test
The  test  is  given  after  the  writer  teaches  the  materials  about  the  reading   and  this  test  is  to  know  the  student’s  ability  after  the  treatment through series picture .
K.      Procedure of Analizing Data
The data obtained from the written test were tabulated and classified, then analysed the teaching reading through  series  pictures to increase students predicting information ability at the first grade of  SMKN 1 MAJA. The data analyzed by mean score technique. The formula used for this purpose is;
 X = Mean score
x = The sum of the total score
N = Number of respondent
 PROF.DR.SUDJANA,M.A.,M.Sc. (2005:67)
L.       Setting of the Research
The data obtained from the written test were tabulated and classified, then analysed the teaching reading through  series  pictures to increase students predicting information ability at the first grade of  SMKN 1 MAJA.
M.     References
1.    Sudjana.1992.Metode Statistika.Bandung:Tarsito
2.    Sugiono.2012.Metode penelitian pendidikan:Alfabeta
3.    setiawan djuhaerie,Otong.2008.Extensive reading top-down reading:teknik dan panduan membaca text:Yrama Widya
4.    T.S Ko.1991.Practical English Usage 2:Binapura Aksara
5.    Oxford Learner Pocket Dictionary
6.    http:// introducing .htm
7.    http:// developread .htm